What to Expect from Counseling, Therapy, Psychotherapy, and Coaching in Los Gatos

You’ve found the therapist you want to work with and you’ve scheduled your first session. Congrats on taking another huge step. Now what? What do you actually do in therapy? Do you just talk at your therapist while they nod their head the whole session? Don’t they just give advice? That short answer is no. But like I mentioned in my previous blog, every therapist has their own style of working with their clients. The search may take some effort but finding a therapist you vibe with is so important. Not sure how to figure that out? Check out this blog for questions to ask a potential therapist.

Let me help you gain a better understanding of how I work as a therapist in Los Gatos

How does therapy work?

Therapy with me is a collaborative effort. I’ve been trained in specific skills to support you in improving your mental health. In the beginning, we’ll discuss what you’re wanting out of our work together and continue to do so periodically to check in about how you’re moving toward those goals.  I’ll ask you about what strategies you’ve already tried or support you’ve received to facilitate your process of feeling better to get a better understanding of what works and doesn’t work for you.

In session with me, you can expect someone who will be engaged and present with the intention to create a safe space for you. In this space my hope is that you'll be able to learn and practice new skills to help you get more in touch with yourself, your feelings, and personal experiences. Skills may include how to identify and differentiate between feelings and thoughts, how to recognize certain patterns of thinking, or when to use coping skills. You can also expect questions that encourage you to reflect and develop new insight into your ways of thinking, feeling, and responding to your world. I believe that healing and movement toward personal growth comes from being able to express your true self. In therapy, my hope is that through development of a trusting therapeutic relationship and engagement in therapeutic exercises you can feel safe enough to come as you are and express yourself in ways you have found to be challenging in the past, or work through some uncomfortable feelings with support from me. If it’s been tough to feel your feelings, you’re having a hard time being real with yourself or in your relationships then, or you’re just not sure why things are unfolding in your life as they are then, therapy with me is a way to start making moves that bring you more clarity in these areas. With more clarity, you can be more empowered to make meaningful changes that bring you closer to your personal goals.

What’s a holistic therapist?

As a holistic therapist I view you as a whole person. When working together and supporting you toward a clearer understanding of yourself and your feelings I recognize that you are a multidimensional and multifaceted being. I don’t just see a person who doubts themselves, avoids difficult situations or is having a hard time showing up as their authentic self in their relationships. I see someone who experiences a complex interplay of their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, body sensations, spirituality, culture, upbringing, and values. And I will ask you about these parts of you. When appropriate I might ask about how a particular piece has affected your life or specific part of your life. My intention is to see the whole picture of you, not just the reason you’re coming to therapy for. People don’t come to therapy because they are broken, they come to therapy because they need help navigating a challenging time in their life. In addition to teaching you specific skills to address emotional distress I also support you exploring how all these different parts of you impact you and how you experience your life.

What is expressive arts therapy?

It’s my favorite kind of therapy! Expressive arts is a type of therapy that incorporates various creative mediums into the therapeutic process in order to facilitate the healing process and personal growth. These mediums include visual arts (like painting and drawing), movement, music, drama/acting out, play, storytelling and rituals. By engaging in the creative process (and a different part of your brain), you are able to gain access to parts of yourself that you might typically have a harder time connecting with like your feelings or a pattern of thinking. For example, it might be a challenge to talk about your true feelings but if you see a painting that speaks to your pain or joy, and you find that you can express yourself through those channels more readily then, you know how expressive arts therapy works. If you’ve found that expressing yourself through music - whether it’s through the music you’re listening to or music you make - rather than through words then, you know how expressive arts therapy works.

In session, I may invite you to “draw out a feeling” or choose a picture from a stack of cards that reflects how you’re feeling, and to talk about it. Or maybe as a homework assignment I might ask you to find a few songs that you are vibing to right now and share them with me at our next session and how you chose them. Being a creative person myself, I often become inspired by something that happens in session and that prompts a new creative idea for an activity to do in session.

Ready to work with a therapist in Los Gatos?

Though I may be the expert in my field, you are the expert in your life. Therapy can be inspiring and transformative. Therapy can also be uncomfortable and challenging at times. I am here to guide you through the circumstances that have brought you here and support you in managing the emotional experiences that come along with them. 

You may have more questions and that’s ok! Call me at (408) 884-6328 or email me at hello@holistictherapyca.com if you have any more questions! Or just click the link below to find and schedule a convenient time for you on my calendar.

Keywords: therapist in Los Gatos, therapist Bay Area, San Jose psychotherapy, Asian therapist, BIPOC therapist, therapist for anxiety, FAQs about therapy


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FAQ’s about counseling, therapy, and psychotherapy in Los Gatos