Empower Your Journey: Unraveling Myths of Therapy with Your Los Gatos Therapist

There are alot of misconceptions about Los Gatos therapists and what they do. From movies to social media, you may not be getting the most accurate picture of what it means to be in therapy and work with a therapist.

As a Los Gatos therapist, I’m here to address a few of those myths and give you my insights. Going to therapy for the first time or even restarting with a new therapist can be overwhelming. So, my intention is to answer as many questions as I can before your very first session.

You’re going to think I’m crazy

The short answer is no. Chances are you are going through something in your life that is actually kind of crazy. Crazy as in you never thought you would find yourself in this situation or that it seems crazy that you’re not really sure what to do to get yourself out of it. But I won’t think YOU are crazy. As your Los Gatos therapist, I’m here to understand your circumstances and help you untangle the strings of information so that you can move forward in your life with a little more clarity about what’s going on. From there we discuss what moving forward looks like.

I’m getting diagnosed with a mental health disorder

It depends. Sometimes you just want to talk to a Los Gatos therapist because there are things on your mind that you need to sort out. For example, maybe you’re feeling anxious about not knowing what you want to do after you quit your toxic job. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have an anxiety disorder. Maybe you went on a life-changing trip and you came home feeling like a brand new person but aren’t sure how to describe how things have changed for you. You just know it’s been hard to live your life like you used to and aren’t quite sure what’s going on. Would a Los Gatos therapist diagnose you with a disorder? It depends on the full story and I’m here for it.

An exception to this “it depends” answer is when clients decide to use their medical insurance benefits to pay for therapy. In that case, the answer is yes. In order to use your benefits, insurance companies require you to get diagnosed. For some people, this might be an issue.

I have to tell you EVERYTHING

 You can tell your Los Gatos therapist as much or as little as you want. Just know that what you put in is what you get out. I acknowledge that it takes time to feel comfortable and to build trust with a complete stranger that you are now calling your therapist. And you get to decide when that time comes to share a little more or if your therapist has created a safe enough space that allows you to open up.

You’re going to cure me

Therapy isn’t like going to the doctor, getting a prescription, going home to do that thing your doctor told you to and you’re done with the whole thing. It’s more of a team effort and by starting therapy you have effectively chosen your Los Gatos therapist to be on your team. And this team is going to identify the source of your challenges, figure out what your goals are, look into what skills and strengths you’re working with and come up with strategies that can move you in the direction you want to go.

Therapy is just paying someone to nod their head at you for an hour.

At one point you may have thought, why would I pay someone to do what one of my friends can do for free? When you work with a professional, you are working with someone who can offer an objective perspective and a dedicated time and space for you without the interruptions of what might be going on in their own life. A solid therapist isn’t going to just nod in agreement with everything you say. After a few sessions, you might notice your Los Gatos therapist actually asking questions that may challenge the way you think about a particular situation or invite you to try something new.

Curious about holistic expressive arts therapy in Los Gatos?

Connect with me for a free 15-minute phone consultation and let’s debunk these therapy myths together.

Call me at (408) 884-6328 or click below to find a time on my schedule that’s convenient for you.

Keywords: therapist in Los Gatos, therapist Bay Area, San Jose psychotherapy, Asian therapist, BIPOC therapist, therapist for anxiety, myths about therapy


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